CAP-IT consists of:
The awards are distributed across 12 locations within the contiguous USA and one international location, as depicted in the maps.
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) initialized the CAP-IT network to establish a new discovery research paradigm in cancer prevention that leverages the potential oncotarget leads identified from precancer biology research and related databases and exploits their oncogenic characteristics and vulnerabilities to discover innovative cancer prevention-interception agents, with a focus on higher-risk populations.
CAP-IT aims to discover innovative targeted agents through in vitro and in vivo efficacy evaluation and to advance newly discovered efficacious cancer preventive or interceptive agents to the existing NCI Division of Cancer Prevention preclinical and clinical development pipelines, PREVENT Program for further development towards IND and Cancer Prevention Clinical Trials Network (CP-CTNet) for early phase clinical trials, and thereby to establish a scientific roadmap and a more streamlined foundational infrastructure for fast-tracking agent discovery and development for cancer prevention and interception from bench to bedside.